COVID-19: When Employers Bring Employees Back to Work

As government officials look to implement business reopening measures, employers are bringing employees back to their physical worksite.  Although Florida has officially remained open, many employers have prudently worked from home. Further, employers that also operate in more restrictive states have chosen to maintain uniform policies and practices company-wide. As such, Floridians are still impacted as […]

Unemployment Compensation: Biden’s Administration

A Different Kind of Unemployment Compensation In 2021, President Biden intends to focus on each state’s use of short-term compensation and work-sharing programs, which result in employers staying afloat while employees maintain their employment status. Employees do end up working fewer hours compensated by their employer, but the federal government then makes up the difference […]

Working Remotely in the Wake of the Novel Coronavirus

Working Remotely in the Wake of the Novel Coronavirus The novel coronavirus outbreak has sparked drastic measures to prevent its spread across the United States and on Wednesday was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.  While companies are not required to institute remote work policies and there is no federal law that gives […]

What to Keep In Mind About Employment Contracts

It Begins and Ends With A Contract Employers often present employees with a substantial amount of paperwork for review and signature during the new-hire process. The most crucial of these items is the contract or employment agreement, which outlines the terms of employment and sets binding parameters for the employment relationship. With a significant volume […]

The Critical Importance of Sound Employer Recordkeeping

The Employer’s Recordkeeping Obligations Employee lawsuits against employers for unpaid wages, especially minimum wage and overtime, have significantly increased in recent years. And FLSA-compliant recordkeeping practices are crucial to avoiding these lawsuits in the first place. If such legal actions do arise, employers will almost certainly be required to produce their records pertaining to employee […]

Off-Duty Conduct: Grounds for Termination?

An employee lights a cigarette on her drive to work in the morning. Some weeks prior, her employer announced that all company employees are to quit or refrain from smoking entirely within the next 30 days, whether at home or work, or risk being let go from their jobs. The employer had otherwise reasonably explained […]

Employment Agreements: Shaping Your Business and Your Working Life

Starting a business can be both rewarding and exhausting. The demands of recruiting potential employees, the pressure of making a profit, and the excitement of the unknown can be overwhelming at times, but all employers need to be aware that the first step to shaping a fair and responsible workplace is the drafting of a […]

What is a “Whistleblower?”

In recent news, the word “whistleblower” is making headlines across the world. It is an important topic, especially when it concerns labor and employment law. So, what exactly, is a “whistleblower?” A whistleblower is an employee who: “… alleges wrongdoing by his or her employer of the sort that violates public law or tends to injure […]